From the course: Power Apps: Building Data-Driven Apps

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Excel setup: Named tables

Excel setup: Named tables

- [Tutor] One of the requirements for working with Excel data in Power Apps, is that your spreadsheets must be in a table format. Therefore, before we do anything else, let's take a quick look at that. Now I'm starting this in Excel Online because that's our main focus. And I'll start by opening this workbook that I have handy. This one right here, name tables, that one, I've actually got it up there twice. Okay, so just to note, I'm going to be providing you with multiple sample workbooks at various stages of work throughout the course, and you'll be able to find those and other things in the course files. Now, one thing that I need to point out, your Excel file cannot contain any formulas or special formatting at this point. Everything needs to be general text or a plain number. We'll be able to account for stuff later, but for now, keep everything as simple as you possibly can. Now for this, to get this into a table…
