From the course: Power Apps: Building Data-Driven Apps

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Browse screen, edit screen, detail screen

Browse screen, edit screen, detail screen

From the course: Power Apps: Building Data-Driven Apps

Browse screen, edit screen, detail screen

- [Instructor] Let's talk for a second about the structure of the default app. Now as we saw when we first took a look, there's a brown screen and then there's a detail screen and then there's an edit screen. Okay great. Now when we're in our working window, the canvas here, there are three corresponding screens visible in the left panel. So here's the brown screen and that's the brown screen we're looking at, the detail screen, and the edit screen. Okay, great. Power Apps is flexible enough that it allows very different design and display characteristics for the three screen states. Now the detail screen is probably the easiest to comprehend since it just shows elements from one record. The data itself is contained within data cards and each one of those by default has a label and a value, data content. There are also elements such as icons, and a label, and then there's this action bar just in general. Now…
