From the course: Power Apps: Building Data-Driven Apps

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Add radio buttons

Add radio buttons

- [Instructor] Let's change another text field to a different input. This time I'll use a set of radio buttons, because these present some other things that you'll need to learn how to deal with. So, we'll start the same way. And in this app we're going to select the employee role card. And in the right panels we'll go to Advanced, and we will unlock that. Okay, good, good, good. Now, let's look at the Edit field. And, actually we'll click on the card and then we'll go back to Properties and we'll click Edit field. And we'll take a look at the employee role. Ah, okay, well this is already a custom card. So, because I clicked Advanced, I have turned this into a custom card. But actually what I wanted to show you, and I can show you on phone, is there is no control type for radio buttons. So, we would have to do this special anyways. So, we go ahead and we'll take this. Go ahead and close out of that. Employee…
