From the course: Learning FARO PointSense Plant

Set the point cloud Parameters

From the course: Learning FARO PointSense Plant

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Set the point cloud Parameters

- [Instructor] Now it's time to take a look at our point cloud parameters. Now, these settings determine the way the algorithms fit the geometry to the point cloud. These settings are for more advanced users, so, for now, we're simply going to use the recommended default settings. So, let's open up our drawing. Going to open Desktop, Exercise Files. We want Chapter 02_02. And you see our point cloud's in there. Inside our PointSense Plant tab, we're going to take a look at the point cloud settings here, the Point Cloud panel, and we're going to choose Set point cloud parameters. So, when we're in here, we want to make sure that we're set here to a quarter, so, .25, .25, which is showing in inches, depending on the units of your drawing. And then, we're going to just change our point cloud density fitting down here. We can do one to 100, but we're going to use 40. That's not too high a value, but that gives us a really good fit to the point cloud. Now, there's a whole science behind how we come up with these numbers here, but this is a little bit more advanced than we want to get into at this point. So, we're just going to set this up with what is being seen to be the best options, which is always one quarter, one quarter, and 40. And when we're ready, we're going to say OK. So, if you find you're getting no results from your pipes or beam selections, if you pick points and it says that it can't find any return for you, this is a good place to troubleshoot. Come back to Set point cloud parameters. Make sure you're set at one quarter, one quarter, and 40.
