From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

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Working with viewfinders in macro

Working with viewfinders in macro

Very often, when shooting macro, whether in the studio or in the field, you are going to have your camera in an inconvenient location. I mean, inconvenient to you. My viewfinder is way down here; my eyes are way up here. So, if I want to look through the viewfinder to frame my shot, I've got to get down here. And, I would really like to offer that if you do find yourself having to work this way, don't do what I just did. When I go like this, my eye is now sideways; it's actually more difficult for me to figure out if my shot is leveled. And, you may think, "Well, no, I'll just pay attention." And, as many times as I think I can get away with that, I still come home with crooked shots. Instead, you really do need to keep your eye level, and come down here, and that's really going to tire out your knees very quickly. Fortunately, there are a couple of options. You can, of course, turn on live view. With live view, even from up here, I'm still having a hard time seeing the screen. And…
