From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

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Working with backdrops for macro

Working with backdrops for macro

Whether you are working in the field or in the studio, you need to give some thought to the background in your image. Now at macro distances, you often won't have a background, because your subject will simply fill the entire frame, and you won't be able to see what's behind it. If you're working at more close-up distances, or sometimes, when you're working at macro, you will be able to see what's behind your subject. And so, you first of all need to learn to pay attention to that. And second, you might want to try changing that, or controlling it. When you're in the field, you don't have a lot of control of what's in the background, but you can change how it's represented in the frame. Most of the time, at macro distances, because of your shallow depth of field, backgrounds are simply going to blur out to just a flash of light or smear of color. You can change your camera angle and position to try to include more or less of that. If you're working in the studio, you can actually…
