From the course: Photoshop: Advanced Adjustment Layer and Blend Modes

What you should know before watching this course - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop: Advanced Adjustment Layer and Blend Modes

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What you should know before watching this course

- Before you watch this class, I've assumed that you already have a decent working knowledge of Photoshop. You don't have to be an expert's expert, but this is going to be a relatively advanced course. Now, we'll start off with the primer on adjustment layers, so if you really just feel a little bit rusty, I'll catch you up. But once we get into the second and third chapter, we hit the ground running, so you're gonna wanna make sure that you are familiar with Photoshop and how it works. Now, that familiarity means that you should know how to open up images, add adjustment layers, work with blending modes, and use some of the core adjustments, like curves and levels. You don't have to be a truly deep expert on all things Photoshop, but you should not feel intimidated by the application. If you don't have those skills, we have many other courses available in the library that you can explore to help build out those foundational skills. If you still wanna keep going, that's absolutely fine. Just realize you might need to watch a movie a few times or look up some related skills. Again, this is designed to be an advanced class, so those of you who have a few years working knowledge can really pick up skills. As long as you classify yourself as an intermediate to an advanced user, you should really be able to enjoy this class and pick up many new techniques. These are things that I've spent years working on and some of them may seem simple at first, but it's the subtleties and the nuances, particularly when it comes to blending modes, that unlock all sorts of new operations.
