From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Using blur and type, part 1

Using blur and type, part 1

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Using blur and type, part 1

- Hi, my name is Chris, and welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly. In this week's episode we're going to take a look at a situation that often surfaces when you're a photographer or image maker. And that is when you have a photograph that you want to use in order to promote or highlight something. In other words, maybe you have an image you want to add some typography to it. The only problem with that is that often the type competes with the image, and the image competes with the type. Well, one solution or one workaround is to add a bit of blur to the image so that both of those elements actually work. In this week's episode we'll start off with an example which is a bit more simple or straightforward. Then we'll get to one which is a little more complicated or advanced. So, if you've ever wanted to explore how you can effectively add type to your photographs, I think you'll enjoy this episode. So, without further delay, hey, let's dive right in. Here goes. As you can see…
