From the course: Photoshop 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Using the Crop tool

Using the Crop tool

- There are a variety of reasons that you might want to crop your image in Photoshop. Cropping can eliminate unnecessary or unwanted information that doesn't reinforce the narrative of the image. Or perhaps the aspect ratio of the capture device does not match the framing that you have in mind for the photograph. Or you might need to crop an image in order for it to work within the limitations of your design or layout or maybe like in this image, you've got too many filters on your camera in order to slow down the exposure, and you can actually see those filters on the edges. So whatever the reason let's take a look at the crop tool. I can select it by tapping the "c" key, and Photoshop places a crop mark key around the entire image. But you can also just click in the image area in order to create your own crop, as long as you haven't already moved the edges. So I'll just drag out a crop right here. Now you can…
