From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Ben: Earlier in this course, we talked about the idea that you can create balance in an image by playing different tones against each other. So, you might balance light against dark, dark against light. You can balance dark parts against each other; you can do the same with light parts. These are all ways that you can create balance in your image. However, there will be times when you can't get the tonal balance that you want in camera through exposure adjustment. Sometimes you simply can't capture the dark blacks or light whites that you need to create the composition that you want. In these instances, you'll need to expose to capture as much tonal information as you can, with the idea that you will correct the tones in that image to get the composition that you want. In other words, sometimes you'll need to darken up blacks or lighten up whites or adjust the grays or colors in your image to finish it off and get that compositional balance working. Alrighty. We're going to look at…
