From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Tip to select multiple people

Tip to select multiple people

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Tip to select multiple people

- [Narrator] Hello and welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly. A few weeks ago, I highlighted a new feature in Photoshop which allows you to select a subject and I've been receiving more questions about this feature. You know, you can always submit your own questions or suggestions for topics at And anyway, what I want to do is follow up on those questions here. One of them had to do with selecting multiple subjects in layers. So here you can see, I have a few images that we'll be working with and I'm going to start off with this one over here. I'll press F to go to full screen mode. And in this document, you can see that I've brought over two different images. And you know, sometimes in Photoshop, you'll have multiple layers in a document and sometimes you may want to select all the subjects that are on separate layers. Well, how can you do that? Well if you go over to your Quick Select tool, and if you turn on Sample All Layers and simply click Select…
