From the course: Photoshop Layers: Working with Multiple Photos (2018)

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Sharpening and grading the final image

Sharpening and grading the final image

- My suggestion is once you've merged the image together, it's probably a good idea to make a few additional tweaks. To do this, I'm just going to start by merging all of my layers together and treat it as a single image. If you need to merge non-destructively, you can right click and convert this to a smart object. And that's fine. That will keep all the layers intact inside. In my case, I'm just going to go ahead and press command or control E, though, to merge those together to a single layer. And that works well. Now, I'll convert this for smart filters so that filters are applied non-destructively. Let's take advantage of the camera raw filter and redevelop this file a second time. Now, I can go ahead and start to bring out the details. I'll click auto to start, and that did a nice job, but I just want to lift up the shadows a little bit more and bring out the base exposure slightly. Now, a little bit of clarity and some contrast actually, and I like where that's going. Let's go…
