From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Salvage an underexposed image

Salvage an underexposed image

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Salvage an underexposed image

- [Instructor] Hello friends, this is Chris Orwick and welcome to another episode of photo tools weekly. In this week's episode, we are in Lightroom classic, and we're going to take a look at how we can recover some detail in an underexposed image. This is a part to it that I captured a stunt man in this dark warehouse in Los Angeles and I loved the moody feel of this. I have one light which is lighting the subject in this way, and while I liked the light on the subject's face, what I don't like is how deep and dark and dense the image is. I want to change the mood. I want to create kind of a cinematic feel to this one. And so we're going to do that here by starting off in our basic controls. Then we'll also work with our effects controls and our detailed control as well. So we'll open up the basic panel and first things first, I'm just going to brighten up my shadows. Now when we brighten up the shadows, it's not going…
