From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Revert, auto-save, and more

Revert, auto-save, and more

- [Instructor] In this movie, I'll tell you about the remaining three essential things you need to know about saving here inside Photoshop, starting with undoing a revert. Now I've already demonstrated this before, but it really bears repeating. And so notice here in the history panel that we're seeing all of these dimmed states right here. That means if I wanted to switch to any one of them, I would just need to click on it like so and this state right here is telling me that's the saved state which is the bad flat version of the image, and so I'm going to go ahead and click on the snapshot that includes the file name up here at the top of the panel and you can see that I have unsaved changes as indicated by the asterisk outside of the parentheses. And so what I want to do is save all that stuff by going to the file menu and choosing the save command. But let's say I slipped or I've lost my mind and I choose to revert…
