From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Retouching with what you have

Retouching with what you have

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Retouching with what you have

- [Chris] Hello friends this is Chris Orwig and welcome to Photo Tools Weekly. In this weeks episode I want to share with you a really helpful retouching tip. And this one is a technique which you can use in order to retouch really quickly and accomplish professional level results. We'll be using this photograph that I captured in New York City. And one of the things that I want to do here with this picture, is I want to retouch away these little things over here. Let me zoom in on those, can you see that? We have this boat, and this bridge and I want to get rid of all that so I have this just super clean, graphic, beautiful image. And in order to do that, one of the ways that we can accomplish that, is look around our image and see is there anything else in the photograph that we could use. And one of the things retouchers do is they'll pay attention, like hey, I have a good horizon line over here and one I don't like over here, well I'll just bring this over there. It's as simple as…
