From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Resizing an image

Resizing an image

Ben: We've already talked about cropping, but hand in hand with cropping goes the issue of sizing. Sizing is a very important consideration if you're going to print. If I crop a whole lot, I may not have enough pixels left to get a good print at my chosen print size. Conversely, if I want to enlarge my image, I will need to be concerned about how many pixels I have, whether I have enough to get a nice sharp print. So sizing is a pretty critical issue near the end of your workflow. Fortunately, Photoshop makes questions of sizing very simple, thanks to the Image Size dialog box. If I go up here to the Image menu and choose Image Size, I get this thing. Now what's cool about the Image Size dialog box is it's this very interactive little calculator that can make sizing questions very easy to understand, as long as you pay attention to what's going on. You want to really pay attention to this thing here, this thing here, and this state of the Resample Image box. And I think you'll see why…
