From the course: Drawing and Painting in Photoshop

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Moving and transforming layers

Moving and transforming layers - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Drawing and Painting in Photoshop

Moving and transforming layers

- [Instructor] As we now have separate layers in our image file we can start to make use of a very important tool that we find at the very top of the tool bar. It's called the move tool. With the move tool we can click and drag and move the layer that is currently selected in the layers pallette. If I select a different layer, I can now move this layer around. So we can freely move around the content of our layers at any point. And not only that we can also transform the content of our layers at any point. Under edit, free transform, we can activate the transform handles. Now we can scale and rotate our layer. With the shift key we can unproportionally scale our layer and we can also make use of all the other functions that we have already used with the free transform tool. On a separate layer all these transformations are even more powerful than using them only on selections. Having our individual color applications sitting on gives us unprecedented flexibility to make adjustments at…
