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Light waves or light rays

Light waves or light rays

- [Instructor] So Huygens said undulating waves, Newton said particles are rays traveling in straight lines. Who if any of them would prove to be right? Well, by the time the early 19th century had rolled around, English physician and mathematician, Thomas Young seemed to have devised an experiment that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt, that light was indeed made up of waves. His now famous double slit experiment being designed so that monochromatic light could be passed through a thin metal plate that had two vertical slits caught into it. The light passing through was then captured on a screen that sat behind the plate with the visual result being produced only really making sense if the viewer accepted that light does travel in a wavelike manner. Given that the visual interference being projected onto the screen, which had intensities decreasing to the left and right of the slits could only really be caused if wayfronts were…
