From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Another way to think about layers is to think about collaging or juxtaposing things at different depths into the same frame. Reflections are a great way to experiment with this. Notice the reflection of the water tower in the puddle here, and we've got the water tower in the background. These are technically different layers, and there is a lot of other stuff going on in front of the water tower and in the puddle itself. This is a really interesting easy way to start seeing different planes, to look for reflections or to think about what you would do if you were collaging, taking disparate elements and putting them next to each other or thinking I am going to juxtapose this building with that water tower. These are all ways of kind of changing the language that you're using around layering and possibly opening up more ideas for yourself. Let's take a look at some others. So this one is pretty straightforward. I'm simply mirroring this shape…
