From the course: Photoshop 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Introducing Adjustment Layers

Introducing Adjustment Layers

- [Narrator] Adjustment layers are a powerful way to make non-destructive edits, like changing color or tonal values in an image, or to a portion of an image. In a perfect world, if we have access to the Raw file bin, sure we should make those types of adjustments in Camera Raw or in Lightroom's Develop Module to maintain the highest quality possible. But there are times when we don't have access to the Raw file, or maybe the area that we need to edit is much easier to select in Photoshop than it is in Camera Raw. So in this image, I just want to emphasize this area that says steel office and I am going to do that with a non-destructive adjustment layer. In order to select it, I'll choose the polygonal lasso tool and then just click in each one of the corners here really quickly to make my selection. Now when I'm in the lower area here, if I just want to close the selection with a straight line,…
