From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Identifying the color cast of a photo

Identifying the color cast of a photo - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

Identifying the color cast of a photo

- [Instructor] Now the first step in correcting the color cast or if you prefer, color bias of a photograph is to identify what that color cast or color bias is. And so here we are looking at an underwater GoPro photo, no lights whatsoever, your photos don't have to be underwater, I just happen to have a lot of them, and so we can safely assume that this guy is too green, after all I'm about 30 to 40 feet deep and so I've lost a lot of the color spectrum. You lose the reds first, then the oranges, then the yellows, and after awhile you're left with greens and blues. But we are seeing a a little orange here and there, and even if we're pretty confident this is a greenish cast, there's no sense in not checking for sure and you can check exactly what the color cast is using the eyedropper tool, which you can get by pressing the I key and what I've done is I've created a bunch of copies of this layer for comparative purposes…
