From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I remove noise and chromatic aberration from a photo?

How do I remove noise and chromatic aberration from a photo? - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes

How do I remove noise and chromatic aberration from a photo?

- We explored noise earlier, but it continues to show up in many different scenarios. Particularly, when you have strong contrast between foreground and background. In this image, we've got a back lit teapot and this is really a scene where HDR would come in handy. But, since we have the single raw file, let's attempt to adjust this a little bit. You see, we can really still bring areas out nicely. Using the target adjustment tool here, I'm going to pull down the blues in the sky a little bit. All right, that's looking pretty good. But if we zoom in, we see there's some problems here. First up, looking at the edges, I see some color fringe. You might not have noticed this, but this is a situation where chromatic aberration has appeared. When you have a strong back lit subject, particularly with shallower depth of field here, we can start to see this color fringe. If we go under the Lens Correction tab here, I can choose…
