From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes

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How do I blur my background?

How do I blur my background? - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes

How do I blur my background?

- Sometimes as you work with a subject, you'll find that you want to blur the background. Now, this is often done in camera by shooting with a shallow depth of field, but perhaps you didn't get the results exactly like you wanted in camera, or your lens didn't have a wide-enough aperture. Let me show you some things you can do during editing. Now if I want to target the background, this is pretty simple. What I'm going to do is take my Elliptical Marquee tool here and draw a basic shape for my subject. Now as you do this, you might notice that it gives you some unwanted results initially. That's because it's loading the values from last time, but I'll adjust this end here and just double click to reset everything so it stops making shifts to the temperature and the exposure and the white plate. There we go. Now what we can do is actually reverse this. So instead of it affecting the object inside the ellipse, we're going…
