From the course: Photoshop for Designers: Color

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Hand color an image

Hand color an image

- [Instructor] There are many techniques for hand coloring old black and white images. Here's the technique that I'm currently using. For an image like this, it really pays to be methodical, so by far, the most time-consuming part of the process is to create and save alpha channels for every part of the image that you want to apply color to. This is going to make it so much easier to edit the image if you need to. Thankfully, this has already been done. If we come and click on the channels panel, you can see that I have a number of saved alpha channels. For convenience, I'm going to tear this off so that we have ready access to it. Before we start applying the color, I'm going to desaturate the sepia toning by applying a black and white adjustment layer, and then above this, I'm going to add a layer group. All of my color layers will go in this group. I could name it, if I wanted to. And, importantly, I'm going to change its blending mode to color. This just saves us having to change…
