From the course: Creating Cinemagraphs and Plotagraphs

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Creating on the go with Flixel Mobile

Creating on the go with Flixel Mobile

- Included in your Flixel membership is Flixel for iOS, which will allow you to create on an iPad or an iPhone cinemagraphs on the go. In this case I've set up a tablet and I've framed up a shot, just something simple here. A nice, refreshing glass of sparkling water. And what I can do is lock in the exposure. So as you tap the screen there you'll see that it adjusts the exposure depending upon where you tap. And you have the ability to press to set focus as well. So I'm going to set that exposure right there on the glass itself. Now let's frame that shot up just a little bit and I can crop after the fact, but I want to get just a little more of the shadow in. Now you'll also notice the ability to change the frame rate. So we can go and shoot different frame rates here for the video. We can shoot 120 frames per second, or the more classic frame rates of 24. You see as you make the change things may vary slightly on the camera as it has to make a slight change internally. Well, let's…
