From the course: Pixel Playground

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Creating a Valentine's Day card

Creating a Valentine's Day card

From the course: Pixel Playground

Creating a Valentine's Day card

- It's getting close to Saint Valentines Day, so let's create a nice little loving Valentines Day card. So I got here a nice white background, so I'm gonna choose a different color. I'm gonna go in here and pick kind of like a pink, just like that. And I'm gonna go ahead and fill that with that pink. Foreground Color, 100%, click OK. Then I'm gonna create a new layer here which I'm gonna call heart. Now, I could create the heart with my Pen Tool if you're pretty good at using the Pen Tool, but let's just say you're not. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to go in here to my Primitives right here where I have a Rectangle and Round Ellipse. I'm gonna go down to Custom Shape Tool. And I have set it to Paths. The default is Shapes, so go up there and change that to Path. And then right here in the Options Bar, you see the Shape. I can go in there and pick the Heart. There is a heart that comes with it. So, back over here, I'm gonna click and drag to get my little path of the heart. And…
