From the course: Photography Foundations: Macro and Close-Up

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Comparing wide lens and telephoto

Comparing wide lens and telephoto

As you start framing up your close-up shots, you might find that you can create the same composition using several different focal lengths and camera positions. Standing close and zooming out might let you frame the same shot that you would get standing farther away and zooming in. If you have a collection of primes, instead of a zoom lens, you might still have these same options. Sometimes, it won't matter which option you choose, but you should still understand the trade-offs of using one option over another. Possibly most important is the compositional change that you will see if there is a background visible in your image. As you change camera position, the sense of distance between the foreground and background will change. If you're shooting an object with depth, you might also see a change in the proportions of your subject as you change camera position and focal length. If you are not familiar with this phenomenon, then check out my Foundations of Photography Lenses course for…
