From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

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Changing composition through retouching

Changing composition through retouching

From the course: Photography Foundations: Composition

Changing composition through retouching

Your image editor is capable of dramatic retouchings of course, and very often when you're retouching you are mostly worried about making an edit that isn't noticeable. But you also want to think about the effect or impact on your composition of any retouching efforts that you might have. Take a look at this image. I have of course the tree backlit. It's built largely around this great shadow here. But there is a lot of balance happening here. I have got the tree and I have got this cart, or some kind of vehicle full of hay I think, and I have got this telephone pole over here. I can't tell if the telephone pole is balancing this thing or not. It's--if it isn't just a distraction, because it's a big dark line. So I am going to take it out and to be honest, I have not actually tried this edit before making this video. So it will be interesting to see. I'm as much at a loss here as you are. The important thing is as I am doing this, I want to keep track of what it does to my…
