From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Auto-zooming one or more layers

Auto-zooming one or more layers

- [Instructor] All right, now I'm going to show you how to automatically zoom in on the contents of one or more layers. So notice that the text layer is selected up here at the top of the layers panel. If I want to zoom in tight on that text, then I can go up to the view menu and choose fit layers on screen where the S is in parentheses. And we'll discuss that in just a moment. But notice that takes me right into that text. If I want to zoom out slightly to take in this black bar then I would just go ahead and select it here inside the layer panels and then return to the view menu and once again choose that command. All right, now the reason it has an S is because you can select multiple layers. And you can do that by clicking on one layer and shift-clicking on another. So in this case, I've selected both that cliff texture and the sweat, and now I'll return to the view menu, choose that same command, fit layers on screen,…
