From the course: Photoshop: Smart Objects

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Applying the filters

Applying the filters

- [Instructor] One of the most impressive features of Smart Objects, is the way in which they make filters editable at a later point. Let's see how this works. In this simple montage, we have a crew member from a Star Trek-like science fiction show, she was actually created in Adobe Fuse. And she's in a separate layer above this planetary background. To start, we'll make sure her layer is selected, and turn this layer into a Smart Object. And you can see the indication in the corner, that this is, indeed, a Smart Object. Let's start by adding some motion blur to this, to get that beaming down effect. We'll go to "filter", "blur", and we'll choose "motion blur". Now, we want her to be beaming down, rather than sideways, so let's change the angle from zero, to 90 degrees. And let's increase that amount, so we get a good sense of her zooming down into position. I quite like that, let's apply it. You can see, that when you apply any filter to a Smart Object, it's listed in the layers…
