From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

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Adding light with Lightroom

Adding light with Lightroom

From the course: Photo Tools Weekly

Adding light with Lightroom

- [Instructor] Hello friends this is Chris Orwig and welcome to another episode of Photo Tools Weekly. In this week's episode, we are in Adobe Lightroom CC, an app that I am using more and more these days. And here I want to talk about how we can improve the color and light in this photograph and I want to highlight a few essential and helpful shortcuts as well. Alright, well this is a photograph of my buddy Justin who is a hat maker and if we zoom in you can see the type of hats that he makes up there. And I have this photograph of him in this interesting work setting. I want to improve the light and color, how do we do it? Well, when you're in Lightroom CC, you tap the E key and that opens up your Editing and different panels that you have here. Let me just close this one so we can see those. If you want to access a particular set of controls, you can just click on the title to open it up or another thing you can do is go to the View pull-down menu and you'll find a list of…
