From the course: Digital Matte Painting: 2 Perspective

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Adding back sides to crenellations

Adding back sides to crenellations - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Digital Matte Painting: 2 Perspective

Adding back sides to crenellations

All of the crenelations are added in but they have no dimension, no thickness like they're made out of cardboard. So we need to add the backsides of the crenelations next. Wherever the crenelations overlap, they are on separate layers. Let's take a moment to rename them, so we know what is on each layer. Layer one has the bridge back crenellations, so name it bridge back. Layer two has the crenellations on the front of the castle. And Layer three has the crenellations on the side arm connecting the tower with the pointed top. Let's deal with the front of the castle first. Select the flat crenellations layer and select the crenellations on that side and press Cmd or Ctrl+J to copy them off the layer. Select the copied crenellations and holding down the Cmd or Ctrl key press the left arrow key several times to move the copies to the left. Hide the selection. Now you need to decide how deep these crenelations will be. Because this side of the castle is turned away from us the most, these…
