From the course: Deke's Techniques (2018-2021)

780 Sharpening your great white shark

From the course: Deke's Techniques (2018-2021)

780 Sharpening your great white shark

- In this movie, we're going to take our close up of that great white shark and we're going to get rid of this extraneous fish including the one coming out of her chin. And we're also sharpening the image to achieve this effect here. Aright so, I'll go and switch back to our image so far and because I opened it as a smaller object I can make further changes inside camera just by double clicking on it's thumb nail here inside the layers panel, which in my case is going to open camera and a fold screen load you can switch between the smaller dialog box and fold screen by clicking on this icon or pressing the "F" key. Alright, now I'll grab the spot removal tool which is available up here in the horizontal toolbar and has a keyboard short cut of "b" for brush and this fish is the most egregious interloper so I'm just going to go ahead and paint around it like so notice that my type over here in this spot removal area is set to heal and I've got a pretty big brush besides is set to 18 and if you can see here this edge doesn't match at all and so if you want to move an edge inward then you need to move the source outwards like so so you always have to move the source in the opposite direction. I'm going to move it up a little as well that's going to flat now this portion of the shark a little bit but shouldn't be to bad, I'll go and turn off the show overlay checkbox just so we can see our work there and you can turn that checkbox on and off by pressing the "v" key and actually that looks terrible, so I'm going to zoom in a little more so there we're seeing the image an a 100% and I'm just going to drag this guy up to see if we can find a better match, and see if I move that guy upward actually this is pretty bad, so let me see if I can just move it down, I don't want to move it so far down that I grab that fish again, notice that is duplicating the top of the fish and so I'll just go ahead and drag this guy upward and you will think since I've done this before that I would have a better handle and a good approach here maybe this is going to work, I'll press the "v" key to check it out and that actually looks half way good. Alright now, I just want to get rid of some of the smaller details, so I reduced the size of my brush and painted right about there for example to get rid of what appears to be a very distant fish and right there as well and then I'm just going to scanning around here for some other things I'm get rid of like this thing, over here above the shark we've got what is definitely a fish over here and then I think we have one more in this location, yes indeed we do and so just drag around it That's not good, I brought a fish back or something so I'll turn on the show overlay check box once again and remove this guy up and it looks like I didn't paint enough so press the backspace key or the delete key to get rid of that and I'll paint a much bigger brushstroke around that darn fish and this time around it goes away. Alright, now let's focus on the sharpening by switching back to the zoom tool on the far left side of the tool bar and also switch to the detail panel which is the one with the two spiky cones right there Now my eyes so was said to 125 which is pretty darn low, but I still have more noise than I like, so I would go ahead and crank the luminance value down here in the noise reduction area up to 50, and that gives us some very smooth results. Al right now, I'm going to zoom out a little bit so I can see the shark's face right here and I'm going to crank the sharpening amount value up to 150, because I want to sharpen this shark as much as possible, and then I'm going to zoom in on his teeth right there and do you see that kind of rough texture detail? That's what I call micro sharpening it's a function of this details setting, I've never understood why this might be a positive effect, which is why I almost always take it down to zero. In which point if I press control zero or command zero on the Mac to zoom out, you can see that we have a pretty good looking shark. Alright now, I click okay in order to accept the changes and that's just going to update this small object here inside Photoshop. Now I want to apply some additional sharpening and I want to do so with this little haloing as possible and the best way to pull that off, whether you're working with a portrait of a person or a shark is to go up to the filter menu, choose other, and then choose high pass and I came up with a value of three pixels, which works quit nicely and then I'll click okay. And because I'm working with the camera a small object Photoshop automatically applies high pass as an editable smart filter. Now if this is the first time you've seen high pass applied for sharpening, you may look at this and say in what way is this a good effect. Well, notice that we're bringing at some edges right here, so everything that is a none edge like this stuff in the water is turning gray and then the edges are kind of hanging on for dear life. All we need to do is blend everything together by double clicking on this little slider icon, over here on the far right side of the layers panel and then you want to switch the blend mode to one of this contrast mode right here anything from overlay down to linear light, and so, you know a good idea to start with overlay and you can see that drops all those grays away, if that's not enough then go ahead and bump it all the way to linear light which is going to give you the most sharpening possible What I want however is something in between and so I changed to hard light. I'll go ahead and click okay to accept that change And now press shift after switch to the full screen mode and I'll go ahead and zoom on in as well. It looks like we still have a little bit of fish right there that I missed, I can go back and take care of that if I wanted to just by clicking on the smaller object down there in the layers path. But in any event, I'll tell you, get rid of some extraneous fish and sharpen the detail in the shark's flesh, it's gills it's weird looking eye and it's very sharp teeth, you're seeing a combination of camera and photoshop.
