From the course: Running a Photography Business: The Basics

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The search for success

The search for success

- Let's talk about the important components of your continued search for success. So, at this point now, you know you want to be a professional photographer. You've already decided the things that you want to do. You've defined your niche. You've identified your target audience. You've thought about publicity and your costs. The point is that being a photographer doesn't stop your education process the minute you open your door. There's a continuous search for success and I'm always very frustrated when I meet a photographer who's sitting there waiting for success as if the success fairy is going to come by and sprinkle success dust over them sometime during the night while they're sleeping. It doesn't work that way. In fact, if you search too hard for success, you'll only scare it away. And a lot of photographers spend so much time searching for success, they wouldn't recognize it if somebody knocked on the door tomorrow with a box that says "Success." So, as you think about your…
