From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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iPhone portrait mode

iPhone portrait mode

- As photographers, of course, not only do we need to make decisions about gear, from time to time, we need to make decisions about whether or not to upgrade that gear as a new version of a camera comes out, or even a new version of a lens, for example. And one of the questions I've been getting from photographers a lot lately is whether it's worth upgrading to a newer iPhone. And in particular, the latest iPhones that offer some additional camera features. The original iPhone versions had very good cameras, and they've gotten increasingly better over the years. This, for example, is the iPhone 6S, and it captures great photos. But the iPhone 10 includes a couple of additional elements to the camera. It has a separate lens, and it's able to capture unique photos, including in particular a feature that I think, for photographers, might be a single feature making it worth upgrading to a new iPhone, specifically an iPhone that supports portrait mode, because this actually can create some…
