From the course: Running a Photography Business: The Basics

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The core costs of your business

The core costs of your business

- Right out of the block, starting out as a professional photographer, it's really important to just get some good habits going. Get in the habit of tracking your costs. Know what things are costing you that are going into the business. There's nothing worse than finishing a year and honestly not knowing if you made money or not. Or knowing that you didn't make money and not understanding why. Or, realizing the things that you should have kept track of, that you didn't, that did drain your wallet. And the result is that you're really desperately trying to understand, 'alright, how do I run this business and not be eating mac 'n' cheese every night?' Now I love macaroni and cheese, I love ramen noodles, that's great, but you want to be able to build this business so that you can have a nice dinner and it's a great analogy to think about 'cause we've all been there in terms of starting out a business and starting something new, and knowing that costs are tight. So you want to be able to…
