From the course: Running a Photography Business: The Basics

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Your blog

Your blog

- One of the most important aspects or components of a successful business, is having a blog. Now, the great thing about a blog, you can start a blog today, whether you're ready to be a photographer or not, and go professional, you could have a blog so the people in the community start to get to know what's in your heart, 'cause that's what a blog is all about. A blog can do so many different things for you. For one thing, it starts to build awareness in terms of who you are as a person, not just as an artist, but building out content about things that you believe in. Maybe it's the importance of your family photographer, then being able to share some blog posts about the importance of family. Being able to share experiences or events you've attended with your family. And again, these are all things that can be done before you ever open your door and collect your first dollar as a working, professional photographer. It's about building out who you are and making the community more…
