From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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White balance and raw capture

White balance and raw capture

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

White balance and raw capture

- Many photographers, including myself, take advantage of their camera's raw capture feature to help improve overall quality and flexibility in their workflow. And yet I still find that many photographers are confused about white balance as it relates to raw capture. Put simply, the white balance setting that you establish in the camera for a raw capture doesn't actually impact the pixels that you're capturing, so to speak. Rather, it's just a metadata value that will be used to set the baseline adjustment in post-processing. You could essentially set the white balance to anything at all in the camera, then correct it later in the computer and there would be no penalty in terms of image quality. Of course, there could be a workflow benefit. If you set the white balance correctly in the camera, then there's less work to be done in post-processing. So that's not to say that you should always just essentially ignore the white balance setting in the camera. Just bear in mind that it is…
