From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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When to use spot metering

When to use spot metering

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

When to use spot metering

- Exposure is one of the subjects, one of the key subjects in photography that I know a lot of photographers struggle with, and so I get questions about exposure and metering modes, and often photographers will ask when they should use spot metering as a metering mode. Well, first off, I would say that you should never feel like you need to use spot metering at all. With the camera's meter, we're essentially getting information about what the exposure probably should be, and then we can adjust the exposure settings, for example, applying exposure compensation. The key difference with spot metering is that spot metering is evaluating a very small area of the frame, typically about 2% of the scene that you framed up, whereas other exposure modes, such as evaluative or matrix metering mode, are going to evaluate most of the overall scene and trying to adjust accordingly, try to apply some intelligence to the process of…
