From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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- The other day, we were trying to think of topics for The Practicing Photographer, and I said, "Well let's do something on vignetting," and then, we all kind of looked at each other because it just seemed impossible that we hadn't already done something on vignetting; I mean, it's as if we'd never done something on the shutter button or something. Vignetting, to me, is one of the most critical post-production tools that you will ever use. I use it on the majority of my images. It's kind of this dirty little secret of image editing, I feel like, how much I vignette and how often I feel like that saves an image. So, here it is, at long last, The Practicing Photographer episode on vignetting. And if you're thinking, "Huh? Who cares? What's the big deal about vignetting?" It's a very simple technique. Vignetting is kind of like cropping. It's a really simple thing you can do that can radically change not the composition of your…
