From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Using improv to improve your photography

Using improv to improve your photography

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Using improv to improve your photography

- If you've spent much time watching The Practicing Photographer, you know that I very often stress the importance of practice. There's a lot you got to practice to become a good photographer. You've got to practice your exposure theory, you got to learn how to handle your camera. And you've got to practice something that's very difficult to codify, and that is the process of seeing. I am here right now with Ken Robertson. We're sitting in this theater before the beginning of an improv show. Because, Ken, you're an improviser. - Yes, I am. - But you also have a visual arts background. - Yes. - And I wanted to talk to you today about how you feel improv has mixed with your visual arts background and how it might be beneficial to someone who wants to improve their photography. - Yeah, I think a lot of people think improv is coming up with that brilliant idea and putting it on stage. And the interesting thing is…
