From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Using images to find additional information

Using images to find additional information

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Using images to find additional information

- In two previous installments of The Practicing Photographer, we've looked at a project that Jim Heid has been working on. Jim you've been going through a box of old family photos that are more than just old family photos, there's a lot of fascinating history here, and you've been scanning them, adding metadata, we've talked about all of that. There's another layer here to your project, and another step that you're going through after you've got things in the computer. I want to talk about that now, because I think it's fascinating. - I call it photo forensics. And really, what it is is kind of dipping my toes into the waters of being a photo historian. There are people who are experts at recognizing clothing styles and car styles and building styles and can look at a photo that doesn't have anything written on the back, doesn't have any history associated with it, and be able to identify the era or the time or the place…
