From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Using the Dehaze feature in Lightroom

Using the Dehaze feature in Lightroom

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Using the Dehaze feature in Lightroom

- If you do a lot of landscape photography, haze is often going to be something that you battle. Haze, of course, is just stuff in the air, but when the air gets that stuff in it, it means that distant objects are going to lose a lot of contrast. Looking through all of that haze in the air, really brings down your black levels on things that are far away. If you saw my Travel Photography: Desert Landscapes course, you saw me battling haze at one point. I was standing, trying to get a shot of a distant mountain range, but the air was so hazy that it just looked flat and blah. I fixed it there with a levels adjustment by simply changing the contrast in the scene to bring out more detail, and that works well, but if you're using a more recent version of Lightroom or Photoshop Camera Raw, you have a new tool here, and it's really cool. I am here in Lightroom. I'm going to go into my Develop Module on this image. I was…
