From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Two perspectives on travel photography

Two perspectives on travel photography

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Two perspectives on travel photography

I travel a lot, sometimes it's for fun, sometimes it's work related. But I find myself in a lot of different towns, a lot of different places. You'd think that as a photographer that means wow it's just one shooting opportunity after another. And it is, it's just I don't always take advantage of it. How many times have you experienced this thing you, you, find yourself in a new town, and you've got your camera with you, but you're dealing with your car and you're checking into your hotel, and you're doing whatever business you have to do. And then you're getting your car back and you're trying to find parking and you're driving around and you're paying tolls and you're doing all this stuff and you realize, wow, I didn't take any pictures. That happens to me a lot. And, just earlier today, my friend Troy Word and I were driving around. Troy is a great photographer. Predominantly a portrait and fashion photographer. And we were out…
