From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Taking a panning action shot

Taking a panning action shot

Engine roar. >> Hi, I'm Ben Long, and this week on The Practicing Photographer we're going to look at how to pan across a moving subject to get that cool motion blur effect that you get when you're shooting something really fast. I'm here with Josh Figatner, a very gifted videographer who has you've, you've gotten into still photograph lately, Josh. >> Yeah, just over the last couple of years working with you. >> And well, he's doing really good work. And you're interested in helping me get a, a high-speed portrait. Most people who know me would never describe me as a very fast-moving person. I take a long time to do anything. So we, we're going to come out here today and I'm going to ride fast. And Josh is going to take pictures of it. So I can actually try to tell people that I don't always move like a Geranium. Anyway Josh, the I'm going to ride. We're, we're in the middle of nowhere here. I'm going to ride…
