From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Switching camera systems

Switching camera systems

- In 2000, I bought a Canon EOS D30. That was a three megapixel digital SLR. That camera was historically significant, because it was the first time that you could buy a digital SLR for under $5000. I loved that camera. I stuck with the Canon system all the way up through the 5D Mark III, and along the way, I accumulated a lot of lenses and took a lot of really great pictures. I recently switched away from the Canon system to the Fuji X series mirrorless system. This is the X-T2, I was on the X-T1 for a while, and I wanted to talk here today at The Practicing Photographer about the process of switching camera systems, because a lot of people are doing that these days. Not necessarily going to mirrorless, some people switch from Canon to Nikon or vice versa or to any number of the other great camera systems that are out there. But there are a lot of things that you got to consider if you're going to make a leap like…
