From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Shooting a slow-shutter zoom-and-spin shot for light effect

Shooting a slow-shutter zoom-and-spin shot for light effect

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Shooting a slow-shutter zoom-and-spin shot for light effect

- Low light is the kind of thing that photographers wake up in the middle of the night screaming about because it just makes everything so much harder, it can ruin so many shots. And of course, the problem with low light, even though you might be able to get a good exposure, is you're fighting hand held shake and you're fighting subject motion, all of that can end up blurry. So a lot of times if you're finding that you just can't get the shot that you want in low light, stop fighting the low light and just work with it. Slow your shutter down even more and start playing with what happens to lights and smears and things when you drag the shutter and really move things around. So Dani and I are gonna do a little experimenting here. We've got some Christmas tree lights and other things hanging back here that are making cool lights behind her. And rather than just leave them as these points I'm gonna do a bunch of camera…
