From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Shooting with ND filter and flash to balance subject and background exposure

Shooting with ND filter and flash to balance subject and background exposure

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Shooting with ND filter and flash to balance subject and background exposure

- I'm out here in the middle of the day. The sun's beating down. Feels great. I want to shoot a portrait of Danni here, and I've got this very busy background. And if I can see that background, it competes a little bit too much with her. And I mean, by see, I mean it's all in focus. So, I'd like to do a very typical portrait thing and shoot with very shallow depth of field. So, I'm going to open up my aperture up. I've got this wonderful fast lens on here. I'm going to open it all the way to 1.4, which will give me this wonderful soft background. The problem is, it's the middle of the day and the sun is beating down, and so 1.4 is open so wide that the camera can't get a fast enough shutter speed to give me a good exposure. In a previous Practicing Photographer, you saw me address this exact same issue using something called High Speed Sync. Which allows me to basically dim the sunlight by using flash to fill in the…
