From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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RAW converter options

RAW converter options

- When you shoot in raw mode on your camera, a bunch of data is read off the sensor and written directly to the card. That data cannot be viewed as an image until it is processed. You typically take the images into your computer and use raw conversion software there to do that. Now, the advantage of this is that raw files have a lot more editability than an already processed JPEG image. The disadvantage is you got to go through that extra raw processing step. These days, both the Mac and Windows operating systems have raw converters built into them, but so does Photoshop. So does Capture One. So do lots and lots of other packages. You have a choice to make when you are choosing a raw conversion application. Your camera probably ships with some raw conversion software of its own. So, what should you choose? I use Lightroom, which is built around Adobe's Photoshop Camera Raw. It's the 10,000 pound gorilla of raw…
