From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

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Quickly switching autofocus modes

Quickly switching autofocus modes

From the course: Photo Gear Weekly

Quickly switching autofocus modes

- When it comes to autofocus systems into today's cameras there are two general categories you might think of, in terms of how that autofocus works. And those would be continuous autofocus, or what's often referred to as one-shot autofocus. As the name implies, continuous autofocus means the camera is constantly updating the focus so that if you're tracking a moving subject for example, the camera will constantly adjust based on the distance to that subject. With one-shot autofocus, the camera sets the focus and then stops, it doesn't change that focus setting until you essentially tell the camera to change the focus again. And so, when photographers ask me which of those options they ought to be using, my general answer is both, because it depends upon the circumstance. And in fact, I recommend using a setting that is available in my cameras that makes it very easy to switch between continuous and one-shot autofocus. I've talked about this in a previous episode that is specifically…
